Thursday, April 5, 2012

Exercise ? Health and Fitness | Cookie Man Care

Exercise ?? one thing th?t m??t people ?n th? world aren?t doing enough ?f. Health ?? affected negatively b? th? lack ?f exercise ?nd fitness ?? usually determined ?n levels. Someone?s fitness level w?ll usually t?ll ??? h?w ?n shape ?r healthy th?t person ??. S? w? ??n see th?t th??? three topics ?ll g? hand ?n hand ?n th? well being ?f a persons body.

Th? human body ?? capable ?f adapting t? ?n? stresses th?t ?t ?? ??t under. Wh?n ??? exercise ??? ?r? exerting more energy ?nd th? muscles h??? t? work harder th?n th?? ?r? used t? wh??h results ?n th?m getting sore. A muscle ?? sore b?????? ?t h?? micro tares ?nd ?t ?? repairing th?m wh??h w?ll result ?n a stronger muscle.

Being healthy ?? a combination ?f fitness ?nd nutrition. Studies ?r? now ?h?w?ng th?t Americans ?r? overweight more ?? b?????? ?f poor nutrition choices r?th?r th?n lack ?f exercise.

B?t a change ?n both diet ?nd workout w?ll benefit overweight people t? much greater extent th?n ??th?r one alone.

Here ?r? ??m? tips t? live a healthier lifestyle. Eat fish ?t l???t 2 times per week. Th? health benefits fr?m doing th?? ?r? ?m?z?ng! I ??n?t stress th? importance ?f eating fish enough. It improves ???r cholesterol dramatically wh?l? providing a meal low ?n f?t ?nd high ?n protein. Eat 5 times ?n a day ?nd eat fruit everyday. M??t people g? days without a piece ?f fruit. If ??? don?t h??? fruit g? t? th? store now ?nd b?? fruit ?nd juice th?t contains 100% fruit juice.

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