Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Oxytocin As Love Potion

People who are in love associate this to bliss. True, as it seems as everyone has a longing to be satisfied, secured, trusted and most importantly happy. In romantic relationship, love brings out intimacy. A simple touch on the hand of your partner or perhaps hugging sends some electrifying volts to your senses that make you crave for more. We associated this to the assurance and that intimacy signals another level of romantic relationship. Hence, this two romantic people felt secured that his partner needs her in the same way that she needs him.

Physiologically, love is associated with the hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin comes from the Greek word meaning "quick birth" because that large amount of this hormone are release at the time of giving birth. Oxytocin is also responsible for the twitter pated effect when your partner looks at you or holds your hand or gives you an embrace. Oxytocin is the hormone that stimulates during touching, fondling, hugging and during arousal or orgasm. This hormone is active most especially to those who claims that they are in love. It is the same explanations for those who suffered oxycodone addiction.

When in a romantic relationship, physiological explanations are immaterial because people are so focus on the pleasures they get from being in love; we even termed love as mysterious. However, love can be explained in Science on how it breeds emotions. Only few are aware that love addiction is like oxycodone addiction. Love can control you. In the same way that alcohol or drugs can control human life if abused. In such relationship, both parties are not growing anymore. They tend to depend to their partner, as if they cannot live without him/her or already used in attending the needs of their partner that they also forget their own needs.

Just like any other kind of addiction, love in its first stage gives you different feeling of happiness and security that you to tend to seek for more and crave for more and begging for more.

Love does not always mean happiness,nor pure pleasure, and not even magical. It may be a wonderful experience a person cannot afford to lose. However, in every form of relationship - romantic, filial, camaraderie, parental, it all needs responsibility to nurture the feelings so that both parties grow together in it. They should share the same sentiments, and should respect one another's needs and liberty. Go and grow with other people too. It is a challenge for everybody, in love or not, to let love nourish your being and your partner. Love addiction is simply love being abused on its own.

Joey Young is a writer on topics about and features of


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