Friday, December 23, 2011

Move over, Magneto (The Newsroom)

George H.W. Bush with Mitt Romney and Barbara Bush earlier this month (Pat Sullivan/AP)

Mitt Romney has picked up a major, if still unofficial, endorsement in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

Former President George H.W. Bush told the Houston Chronicle he believes Romney is the best candidate in the race?though he stopped short of officially endorsing his 2012 bid.

"I think Romney is the best choice for us," Bush told the Houston Chronicle. "I like Perry, but he doesn't seem to be going anywhere; he's not surging forward."

The ex-president, who is personally close to Romney, praised the former governor's "stability, experience, principles."

"He's mature and reasonable?not a bomb thrower," Bush said, adding that he didn't mean to besmirch anybody in the field. "I've got to be a little careful, because I like Perry; he's our governor."

Yet Bush wasn't nearly as kind about Newt Gingrich, admitting that he knows the former House speaker well and isn't a fan. "I'm not his biggest advocate," he said.

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