Friday, August 3, 2012

HOME IMPROVEMENT ? Setting Priorities in Renovating Your Home

When the home improvement bugs bites, it is quite likely that your enthusiasm can make you jump in with gusto. Motivation is a great thing, but it should also be tempered with wise choices and careful planning. You do not want to end up with problems and headaches that take all the joy out of the accomplishments you are looking forward to. Read on for some considerations on which projects should take priority for your own personal home environment.


It is your home, and nobody else can make the determination on what is important to you when it comes to home improvement projects. It really all boils down to two things: what is absolutely necessary for safety and functionality, and what you personally desire to have in your living space. If there are obvious things that need renovating or repairing, decide ahead of time which ones bother you the most, and which ones will make your life either easier or more satisfying once they are accomplished. Put these things at the top of your list.


If color schemes are part of your renovation project, as they quite often are, decide which colors you actually like and would make you feel good when walking into a room. No matter how sturdy or functional a home is, if the living areas do not make you feel good, then you will not enjoy being in your home. Re-evaluate your color preferences if you have not done so in a few years. You may find that your own tastes have changed, or you may have new family members who should have a say in the choices as well. Remember also that color can be added in accessories, sometimes alleviating the possibility of conflicting personalities within a home. Let everyone choose at least one color in an item or an improvement that appeals to them. Make it fun and negotiate from room to room if necessary.


Resist the urge to go with only the aesthetic features of remodeling, but look at functionality and safety of the home. What improvements can you undertake which will make life easier or more safe on a daily basis? You may need to update appliances, add a covered entryway to keep everyone from entering your home soaking wet or install handicap accessible features for an aging parent. If your electrical system is outdated, you may want to bring it up to code and lower the possibility of a malfunction that could cause a fire. Keep an open mind and walk through your home with an intent to find things that could make your home run more smoothly.


Look at the energy efficiency of your home, particularly with heating and air conditioning systems, windows and insulation. With a focus in today?s society on energy preservation and ?green living?, you may want to get in step with a more sustainable lifestyle. Look for ?energy star? rated appliances, and ask about rebates from your utility provider, or tax incentives for purchasing these products. Look into installing double or triple pane windows to cut down on heat and cooling loss. Insulate walls and attics. These things will not only make you a more responsible member of Plant Earth, but they will also save you money in utility bills.


Keep some of these things in mind as you plan updates to your home, in order to make wise choices that benefit everyone in your life. Take your time and enjoy the process, then relax with the satisfaction of a job well done.

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