Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pre-caffeine tech: Apple antennas, Internet love!?

5 hrs.

Our?pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning. Here's everything that you need to know before taking that first sip of coffee.

All future changes to Facebook's privacy settings will be opt-in, instead of opt-out, in keeping with the social network's settlement with the FTC.?

More leaks on Apple's next-generation iPhone, this time photos of the motherboard surface. It's all about?antennas?and the battery.?

In other Apple news, Retina displays may be awesome,?but will they make you hate plain-old everyday displays??

Bad news druggies and ... um ... other people.?Etsy is putting the kibosh on sellers peddling drug?paraphernalia?and human bones.?

Barnes & Noble cut prices on three models of its Nook e-reader and tablet devices on Sunday, ahead of the peak of the back to school season and amid speculation that rival Amazon.com Inc is preparing to launch a new version of its Kindle Fire tablet.?

Almost 6,000 law enforcement agencies are now deploying the public notification service Nixle to provide residents with real-time alerts on crimes in progress, traffic messes and missing children.?

Google is altering its search results to de-emphasize the websites of repeat copyright offenders and make it easier to find legitimate providers of music, movies and other content.

In closing, 25 ways the Internet?can help you have the best day.

Compiled?by?Helen A.S. Popkin,?who invites you to?join her on?Twitter?and/or?Facebook. Also,?Google+. ?

Source: http://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com/technology/technolog/pre-caffeine-tech-apple-antennas-internet-love-938769

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