Friday, September 7, 2012

FACEBOOK FACEOFF: Mayor Wharton is receiving an award for his efforts to increas...

Let?s look: less than 60% graduation rate, state taking over some Memphis Schools, Memphis gave up their charter and turned schools over to Shelby County (which had a very good system). Cash and his cronies has been a DISTASTER, highest stu...

dent expenditures in the state, extremely top heavy bloated central office (look at the staffing numbers and outrageous salaries). Why do you have to be an EDUCATOR (definition= those who cannot teach) to be the transportation supervisor running buses, purchasing supplies, etc. The Memphis schools that we went to now look like Prisons with chain link fence and barbed wire around them. Talk to the teachers and you will hear the inmates are running the schools as there is no discipline nor any punishment for doing wrong the students are not held responsible for their actions. Why does the Memphis school system have its own police force and ask them how totally out of control the schools and students are.
Between King Willy, Mr. Cash and the others after King Willy they took an outstanding school system and turned it into a disgrace and wide open recruiting ground for the gangs in Memphis. Let us not forget the sex scandals with King Willy and the others following him. As long as the African American racist in Memphis want to put individuals in charge just because they are African American instead of the best qualified individual they will always have a city that is failing in everything. The racist do not want to hold the children or their parents responsible they just want to continue to blame the system, the whites, and throw more money into a failing system that has collapsed. That is why so many private schools stood up in Memphis and the area which enroll all races because the parents of all races that care want a good education for their children. The charter surrender by Memphis was a ploy by the racist city and school administrators to take over the county schools and then the county.

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