Saturday, January 5, 2013

Is anyone else in a one sided relationship too? - Talk About Marriage

How many people have a spouse who has done a flip flop while being married to them? Example. the woman I fell in love with and married worked out, wanted to look good, had confidence. She gained over 100 lbs. I have done everything under the sun to get her help. I dieted, worked out with her, motivated and so on.

Once we got married and I was hooked then it went downhill from there. Sex has gotten less and she is insecure about herself. Me I am the opposite. I am six feet tall @225 lbs. Thick and trim. I take care of myself and look my best. I do 90% of the work load around the house. Cook and clean, do yard work, clean the litter box, feed the cat, work out, do repairs to the house, while she sits and watches me work my butt off.

I made a ham dinner for her family and they are the same way. Heavy and lazy Christians. I know she is a product of her environment growing up in that. I just feel I am at a dead end here. No where to turn but away. My family sees it even. they approached me about it. Saying I can't be the husband and wife. I can't do it all. I am doing that though. She does a little here and there. Mostly make messes I clean up. I am not saying I don't make messes. I do. In fact I get tired of working and cleaning sometimes.

I can't even enjoy myself when going out. She is either too hot, or winded because she sits most of the day and evening. Trust me I have expressed my concerns in love and with fire too. Nothing budges her.

I am exhausted and alone I feel. I feel like our relationship is more of a roommate situation.


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