Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lend a hand, save a life - Lehigh Valley Health Blog

January 14, 2013


Posted by Tim Darragh at 12:48:58 PM on January 14, 2013

The state Department of Health, the American Heart Association and the Pennsylvania HeartRescue Project are teaming up to get a quarter-million Pennsylvanians on board with them to save lives.

The organizations last week announced a new campaign, ?Lend a Hand, Save a Life,? to teach the public about sudden cardiac arrest.? They also want to train 250,000 Pennsylvanians hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).?

?Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death among Americans, with 80 percent of events occurring in the home,? Acting Secretary of Health Michael Wolf said in a news release. ?It?s our hope that this program will successfully educate Pennsylvanians on how to respond because CPR conducted by an immediate bystander in a cardiac event doubles or triples the patient?s chance of survival.?

The American Heart Association has been recommending hands-only CPR for adults since 2008. Hands-only CPR has three easy steps: Call 911, push hard and fast in the center of the chest, and use an automated external defibrillator if available. This type of CPR has been proven as effective as CPR with breaths in treating adult cardiac arrest victims, the groups say.

The goal of the campaign is to encourage CPR trainers to collaborate with schools, sports teams, colleges, businesses and community groups to host CPR training events and incorporate training into large-scale public events, such as five-minute, hands-only CPR demonstrations during halftime at a sports game or during a concert intermission, according to the news release.

CPR trainers can register events online?here to track the number of people trained and the date and location of the training. Numbers will be reflected on the website so the public can track progress, and prizes will be distributed at an awards ceremony at the close of the campaign to the top participating training groups.

?Improving survival from sudden cardiac arrest begins with making sure everyone knows how to immediately call 911 and start CPR,? said Kathryn DiPuppo Tucker, program director of the Pennsylvania HeartRescue Project, an organization that seeks to improve survival rates in Pennsylvania by 50 percent. ?This campaign is an exciting opportunity to empower individuals and communities, and ultimately save more lives.?

?The ?Lend a Hand, Save a Life? campaign will run through May 26, 2013, the end of National EMS Week.


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Source: http://blogs.mcall.com/health/2013/01/lend-a-hand-save-a-life.html

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