Sunday, March 31, 2013

Fla. brewers push to legalize 64-ounce beer jugs

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) ? David Wescott has two 32-ounce growlers he brings into Proof Brewing Company to fill up and take home.

Why two? Because Florida is one of only three states where it's illegal to fill one 64-ounce beer container, known as a growler. He can get as many of the 32-ounce containers filled as he wants, and Florida breweries can also fill unlimited 128-ounce growlers for customers to take home. But the size preferred by most beer enthusiasts is banned.

"If you're bringing some beer home for you and the wife, that's two beers," Wescott, whose wife calls him a beer snob, said of the quart-sized growlers. "It makes no sense to me. It's just not logical ? 128s are probably too much, 32 is too small. I'd love to get a 64."

Two lawmakers have filed bills to legalize the half-gallon jugs, but a group of beer distributors is fighting both measures and appears to have helped effectively kill both for the year.

"It's really silly. I have in my office a 32-ounce, a gallon and a 64 to show people. And I ask them, 'Which one do you think is currently illegal?'" said Rep. Katie Edwards, D-Plantation. "They all think the gallon is illegal. They say, 'Oh, you're trying to legalize the big one!' and I say, 'No, it's the one in the middle,' and it's like, 'Why is it not legal?' They don't get it."

And Edwards doesn't even drink beer. She said her only motive in sponsoring her bill is economic development. The half-gallon size growlers are an industry standard and are sold at breweries around the country, helping to expand the small businesses.

Amherst Brewing Company in Massachusetts, which locals call ABC, has gone through three expansions since the pub opened in 1997. Chloe Drew, ABC's bar manager, said that growth has been helped by selling the 64-ounce growlers that fill two refrigerated cases at the front of the restaurant.

"It's really good for small towns because they become a destination and people can bring stuff home from that destination. It's probably only going to bring people back," Drew said, adding that the Florida law is strange because anyone who wants 64 ounces could simply buy two 32-ounce growlers.

The Florida Beer Wholesalers Association, which represents all the state's Anheuser-Busch distributors, is opposing the bill. Its lobbyist, Mitch Rubin, was able to convince Rep. Debbie Mayfield, R-Vero Beach, not to give it a hearing at the House Business and Professional Regulation Subcommittee she chairs. Without a House hearing, the bill is essentially dead.

Rubin said he is trying to protect the three-tier system of alcohol distribution the federal government set up after Prohibition. It basically ensures that alcoholic products are passed through a distributor to get to retailers. Exceptions have been made, however, for purchases where products are produced, such as buying bottles of wine at a winery.

State law does allow take-home sales at breweries, though Rubin argues that language was meant only to allow sales at Busch Gardens in Tampa when Anheuser-Busch brewed beer at what is now a major theme park. He said it was never intended to allow breweries to sell directly to consumers.

"It's definitely operating in the gray," said Rubin, who said he is not fighting the bill to boost distributers' profits. "There's a little to that, but the larger point is about the three-tier system, and that is our larger concern."

At his urging, Sen. Maria Sachs, D-Delray Beach, tried to add a nearly 12-page amendment to Sen. Jack Latvala's two-line bill. The amendment would have allowed 64-ounce growlers to be sold, but it also would have restricted take-home sales to only the smallest of startup breweries. The Senate Regulated Industries Committee refused to consider the amendment before approving the bill, though Rubin has likely succeeded in halting that measure as well.

Latvala noted that it's hard for beverage laws to be changed because of the powerful lobbying of distributors. He pointed out that it took years for Florida to change a law that only allowed beer cans and bottles in sizes of 8, 12, 16 or 32 ounces. The law, until changed in 2001, kept many imported beers out of Florida because bottles were based on the metric system. Also banned at the time were 22-ounce bottles popular with microbreweries.

"It's the same thing still going on. Those that have the sizes and those that have the distributorships are protecting that," said Latvala, R-Palm Harbor.

Brewers say growlers and tasting rooms are an important part of growing business, especially when certain beers aren't readily available in stores. A tasting room at Cigar City Brewing in Tampa, for instance, has helped the business grow from two employees in 2009 to more than 50 now, said owner Joey Redner.

The larger profit margins on beer sold at Florida breweries helps them reinvest the money to produce more beer, which creates more jobs. Unlike beer giants such as Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors, which have automated systems that allow a few people to brew massive amounts of beer, craft brewing is labor intensive. In order to brew more, small breweries have to hire more people.

Redner said he believes the wholesalers association is opposing the growler bill to protect its profits, as growlers and brewery tasting rooms help craft brewers expand their market presence.

"Ninety-nine percent of their business is a large, foreign-owned company that makes 100 million barrels of beer. That's where their bread and butter is. These craft breweries, that's not what's keeping the lights on for them," Redner said. "If they can shut the tasting rooms down, they can get rid of some the competition."

The Beer Industry of Florida, which counts MillerCoors distributors among its members, supports allowing the 64-ounce growlers because the industry group doesn't see the jugs as a threat to the three-tier system, said BIF president Eric Criss.

The current rules can be frustrating for out-of-state tourists accustomed to the 64-ounce growlers. Luke Kemper, the owner of Swamp Head Brewery in Gainesville, said more and more often people visiting from other states are told their 64-ounce growlers can't be filled. Likewise, if they buy a 32- or 128-ounce growler, they probably can't fill them when they get home.

Chris Lashway of Fredericksburg, Va., recently stopped at Proof Brewing in Tallahassee while on his way to South Florida. He likes visiting microbreweries and said he would have liked to buy a 64-ounce container so there would be more to share with his hosts. Instead, he ordered a quart of red ale.

"It is very bizarre," he said of the rules.


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Brew Control Turns Your iPhone into a Mobile Barista

Brew Control Turns Your iPhone into a Mobile Barista iPhone: If you take your morning cup of coffee seriously, Brew Control is a useful iPhone app that helps keep your brewing consistent.

The app lets you choose from a variety of brewing methods, including Aeropress, espresso, and pourover, then set your preferred coffee to water ratio for each. Once you've set up your recipe, you can adjust the grams of coffee you'll be using, and Brew Control will tell you exactly how much water to add. The app even includes some customizable timers to keep your brewing times consistent.

If you're new to coffee, the developer included his own tips and instructional videos for each brewing method, and if you want to learn more, you can also check out our recent morning school series on the subject.

Brew Control ($1.99) | App Store via Shawn Blanc


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Outcast black holes surround the Milky Way

WANDERING naked or in tattered cloaks of dark matter, as many as 2000 black holes booted from their homes now live on the outskirts of the Milky Way. That's the prediction of new computer simulations, which looked at how our galaxy grew through mergers with smaller galaxies.

Theory says that every galaxy may have a black hole at its centre. As galaxies merge, their central black holes merge too, building a supermassive black hole millions of times the mass of the sun.

But collisions between black holes create gravitational waves, which can kick a newly merged black hole out of its host galaxy.

Valery Rashkov and Piero Madau of the University of California, Santa Cruz, ran simulations that show 70 to 2000 of these outcasts may now linger in the halo of the Milky Way, depending on the properties of the objects that collided (

Some might have been stripped bare, while others may carry a few clusters of stars and dark matter, says Avi Loeb of Harvard University, who has proposed a similar idea. Though faint, these star clusters should be observable with current or future telescopes. Finding them may tell us more about early black hole growth.

This article appeared in print under the headline "Outcast black holes ring the Milky Way"

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Did Commitment to Freedom of Speech Undo FIL's Last Leader ...

By Julieta Lionetti

Usually outspoken, Nubia Macias' resignation letter contained a mere 161 words.

It?s been 10 years of growth for the?Feria International del Libro Guadalajara (FIL)?under the direction of journalist Nubia Mac?as. She leaves a book fair that has become a can?t-miss event for the 20,000 professionals who attend every year. This, the most important trade and cultural event of the Spanish-language publishing year, had an action-packed December, and some of the news wasn?t flattering.

A tough advocate of freedom of speech, Mac?as had to tackle two prickly issues raised by an agitated public ? a public that she reveres.

First, were questions raised about the winner of the FIL Prize for Literature, Alfredo Bryce Echenique,?the acclaimed author of?A World for Julius, who was?convicted?of plagiarism in 2009 by a Peruvian court. When his name went public as the winner of the $150,000 prize, a roar of outrage rose among the literati, one that soon gained popular support. The Spanish-speaking press, from?Madrid to Patagonia, was filled with stories, op-eds and polls.

Nevertheless, the FIL steadily backed the decision of the jury. ?It?s a matter of freedom of speech,? said Mac?as in ?contribution to the heated debate. The issue fizzled out, as Bryce Echenique was given the prize in absentia for fear that his coming to accept in person in Guadalajara would ignite a major scandal.

Then, on the afternoon of December 1st, 500 youngsters moved forward Mariano Otero Avevenue in Guadalajar with the FIL as their destination. They were demonstrating to protest the outcome of the then recent presidential election in Mexico, which found Enrique Pe?a Nieto, the winner. Outside the premises, 80 riot police were waiting for them. While the students approached the Expo building, journalists covering the Fair abandoned covering the FIL to catch sight of what promised to be real action. Every camera and cell-phone was turned on the ?protestors in anticipation of a clash.

Down among the throng, there was Nubia Mac?as.

?Let them in!? she said to the police, an order doomed to failure even before it was uttered. ?No matter if they get in, this book fair is a place for freedom of speech,? she implored to no avail. Soon after, the?violence started.

Outspoken as she is, Mac?as?s resignation note?contains a mere 161 polite words. As from March 14, she has systematically refused to comment further.

Despite a difficult December, Mac?as will always be remembered as the force behind the successful globalization of FIL Guadalajara.


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Self Improvement | by Christine Maddox. | The Self Improvement Blog

PastBy Christine Maddox -

The past can help us make our future or it can hold us back from it. It can make us fear or make us bold. For most of us, however, it is overcoming our past that will lead to a brighter future. Unfortunately we were not raised by perfect people. Our parents were and are flawed human beings with their own baggage from the past. These generation issues have a tendency to stay in families for years and years and get passed down almost unconsciously. A short temper, physical abuse, lying, and more all end up becoming a daily part of our lives growing up. The bad thing is that most children never realize that their normal family lives are not normal at all. Things like being hit for trivial reasons or yelled at or just treated with indifference throughout childhood is not a healthy way to live, and yet many of us have grown up in those atmospheres and seem to expect the same thing from the rest of the world. Even though this is abuse in many ways, we are comfortable with it and thus chose to hang around and form relationships with people that are comfortable with it, mostly to our detriment.

The thing is that we need to let go of our past and redefine what normal and healthy is. We all have ways that we could live healthier lives. Maybe we see food as a reward and thus overeat; maybe we have bad self-images and feel ugly no matter what we do; or maybe we have short tempers and fly off the handle and expect others to be okay with it. Change is not easy but it is worth doing when you gain a new peace and hope in your future.

One of the major things that hold many people back from changing is the fact that you have to admit that you were wrong. That what you grew up in or used to do yourself was not healthy or normal. This can be a hard thing to deal with as no one likes to be wrong. It also implies that you have wasted your time or your life. This is not true. No matter how old you are you still have time to change and you owe it to yourself and those you love to make your life better.

I love a verse from the Bible that says, ?I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten?? Joel 2:25a (NIV). I see those lost years spent in distress, anger or depression as years eaten by locusts. They are gone and behind us, and yet things can still be restored better than ever. Instead of focusing on what you have lost, look at what you have to gain. Living a healthy and balanced life is well worth the effort of confronting your past.

In my own life I have only begun the process of understanding what healthy living is like. My family has a long history of enabling and fostering helpless people who abuse those around them. There are two types of people, the givers and the takers. The givers are empty and hopeless because the takers take everything they have. The takers are resentful and abusive because they get everything without working for it and feel frustrated and useless.? This is a vicious cycle that has repeated itself generation after generation. Typically it is the women who are the givers and the men who are the takers.

Needless to say this does not foster healthy living conditions. As a child in this type of home I was raised to think in skewed ways. The men were helpless and had to be coddled and never expected to help out in any way beyond being employed, and sometimes not even then. The women were expected to be strong and productive and always loving no matter what the men did. They were supposed to work and take care of the children and the home with no outside help. In fact, from what I was exposed to I always wondered what the point of getting married was. It seemed much easier to just have kids and then get divorced. At least then you would get some money through child support and you wouldn?t have to deal with another big baby to take care of.

As I have gotten older I started to understand that this is not the way families or relationships that are healthy should work. Both parties should give and take equally and there should not be this cycle of sacrifice and greed. Letting go of my family?s idea of relationships actually made me want to find a partner of my own instead of staying single forever. Before I understood what a healthy relationship was I had decided to remain single and spare myself the pain. Now I understand what a blessing an equal partner can be.

Beyond just relational issues we also had issues with respect. Of course you can see where that comes in. How can you respect someone you are taking care of all the time, and how can someone be respected if they never set boundaries or limits? Learning to set proper boundaries without getting upset or frustrated is a process, but it is well worth doing. Having respect for yourself as well as others is very important in living a healthy and balanced life.

As you can see, I am still learning and growing. Overcoming your past is not a one-time thing. It takes a lot of effort and growth to move past what you have been exposed to and into a healthier future. But moving past the past is the only way to find a brighter future.

Author Bio:

This post is contributed by Christine Maddox. Currently she is pursuing her Master?s degree from the University of Texas as well as blogging for She loves to write anything related to parenting, kids, nanny care etc. She can be reached via email at: christine.4nannies @



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Friday, March 29, 2013

2014 Infiniti QX60 Hybrid gives us d?j? vu

2014 Infiniti QX60 Hybrid Adds MPG, Extended Range with No Reduction in Inspired Style, Performance or Roominess

- 2014 Infiniti QX60 Hybrid features Infiniti Direct Response Hybrid? one-motor/two-clutch system adapted to front-wheel drive/all-wheel drive
- Inspired design offers anticipated combined fuel economy of 26 miles per gallon, which is expected to be best-in-class* for any 7-passenger luxury crossover - without any reduction in passenger or luggage space
- Offered with all-wheel drive or front-wheel drive
- Joins Infiniti lineup in late 2013 with a premium over non-hybrid QX60 of about $3,000 M.S.R.P

The 2014 Infiniti QX60 Hybrid (formerly the Infiniti JX35) not only becomes the third hybrid in the Infiniti lineup when it goes on sale in late summer 2013, it adds a second powertrain choice for buyers of Infiniti's popular premium crossover vehicle. Along with the Q70 Hybrid (currently available as the M Hybrid) and previously announced Q50 Hybrid, Infiniti will have a trio of advanced Direct Response Hybrids for the 2014 model year.

The new Infiniti QX60 Hybrid is projected to realize 26 miles per gallon fuel economy (combined city/highway driving) - a 24 percent increase over non-hybrid QX60 models and is expected to have best 7-passenger fuel efficiency in the premium segment.* Most significantly, it does so with absolutely no compromise of performance, interior roominess or cargo space compared to standard QX60 models. The QX60 Hybrid is projected to be priced about $3,000 USD above the non-hybrid models, providing reduced emissions, enhanced fuel economy and extended driving range of more than 500 miles** without a major price premium.

The QX60 Hybrid is powered by a 2.5-liter supercharged engine and 15 kW electric motor connected to an advanced CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission). Net system horsepower is estimated at 250 horsepower.

Based on technology found in the Infiniti M35h Hybrid, the QX60 Hybrid's Infiniti Direct Response Hybrid? system uses a compact Lithium-ion battery and electric motor to provide supplementary power through its one-motor/two-clutch system. The result is best-in-class fuel economy without compromise of performance. An Intelligent Regenerative Braking system partially recharges the battery during vehicle braking.

In addition, with use of the compact Li-ion battery located under the 3rd row seat, the QX60 Hybrid maintains its flat rear floor for easier passenger access to the rear seats and no reduction of cargo room.

Said Infiniti Americas Vice President Ben Poore: "The QX60, launched in early 2012 as the Infiniti JX35, has quickly become one of the most popular vehicles in the luxury crossover market. It has grown Infiniti's presence in the premium market by capturing family buyers with its advanced 7-passenger/3-row seating and stunning exterior and interior styling. The new QX60 Hybrid's inspired technology, including its compact design, offers the benefits of a hybrid without the usual space and performance compromises - something that we believe will be extremely appealing to buyers."

Seating and Premium Features for Seven

As a fresh, bold alternative to the many flavors of vanilla currently dominating the luxury crossover segment, the Infiniti QX60 - both the new Hybrid and the standard 3.5-liter V6 version - offers exceptional levels of interior flexibility and roominess, safety and advanced hospitality features. That list includes segment-leading overall passenger volume, segment-leading rear cargo volume (3rd row seats folded, 2nd row seats in forward-most slide position) and access to 3rd row without removing a 2nd row child seat.

All QX60 models utilize a flat platform floor, which not only enhances 3rd row roominess and provides a long 2nd row total adjustment of 5.5-inches fore and aft for versatile roominess and cargo carrying capacity, it also allows use of a more dramatic styling approach.

The aerodynamic shape of the QX60 results in a coefficient of drag of 0.34. A front underbody spoiler, integrated rear spoiler and rear tire deflectors also help contribute to its zero front and rear lift for enhanced road holding. The exterior is highlighted by the dramatic, double-arch front grille/headlight shape, double-wave hood, and crescent-cut D-pillar and greenhouse design. Automatic on/off High Intensity Discharge (HID) bi-functional xenon headlights with windshield wiper interlock are standard, along with fog lights. Large LED taillights add a distinctive touch to the rear, while a standard power rear liftgate enhances utility. Hybrid badges are added to the front quarter panels to designate Hybrid-equipped QX60 models.

Other exterior features include flat blade variable intermittent front windshield wipers, available rain-sensing front windshield wipers, rear window intermittent wiper and defroster with timer, power folding heated outside mirrors with available reverse tilt-down feature, front door handle courtesy lights, and UV-reducing solar glass and rear privacy glass. A power sliding tinted glass moonroof with one-touch open/close, tilt feature and sliding sunshade is standard, while an available panoramic moonroof with power rear sunshade adds an open, airy feeling for rear passengers. The QX60 is offered in exterior colors: Emerald Graphite, Glacial Silver, Diamond Slate, Liquid Platinum, Black Obsidian, Midnight Garnet and Moonlight White.

Inside the stunning body, thanks to the compact battery design and location under the 3rd row seat, the QX60 Hybrid's flexible interior offers nearly six inches of 2nd row seat travel - allowing legroom and cargo space to be conveniently adjusted between the 2nd and 3rd rows as needed. The 3rd row provides ample headroom and knee room for adults or children. Access to the 3rd row is surprisingly easy due to the wide door openings and long forward slide of the 2nd row seat.

The QX60's multi-mode 2nd row seat's unique forward movement function overcomes the typical problem of having to remove a 2nd row child seat for entry or exit. The installed child seat moves forward with the 2nd row seat (40 percent side of 60/40 split-folding seat) without limiting 3rd row access. In addition, both 2nd and 3rd row seats are split folding (60/40 2nd row, 50/50 3rd row) and recline for greater occupant comfort.

Beyond the practical innovations, the QX60 Hybrid's interior design combines elegance and fine craftsmanship. Key design features include the signature driver-oriented cockpit, thin chrome accents, and an interior color palette that provides an elegant color harmony - Wheat, Graphite or Java leather appointments with Kasane Washi trim or available Maple trim accents.

Along with its wave-like flow, the instrument panel is highlighted by the Infiniti Intelligent-View display in the center meter cluster, along with large, easy-to-read Fine Vision electroluminescent gauges, and standard 7-inch color vehicle information display. Special HEV information screens are added to display Hybrid power usage and charge regeneration readouts.

Leather-appointed seating is standard, along with heated front seats with 8-way power driver's seat and 6-way power front passenger's seat. Climate-controlled front seats (heating and cooling) are optionally available, as well as heated 2nd row outboard seats, as part of the HEV Deluxe Touring Package. A heated steering wheel is also available.

Also offered is a dual occupant memory system for the driver's seat, steering wheel and outside mirrors. An Enhanced Intelligent Key that stores an occupant memory position and last-used audio, climate control and navigation settings is also offered (an Infiniti Intelligent Key with Push Button Ignition is standard). Other standard features include a Tri-Zone Automatic Temperature Control system with microfilter, rear-seat heater ducts under the 1st and 2nd row seats, and rear console-mounted and 3rd row side trim air vents. Available as part of the HEV Deluxe Touring Package is an Advanced Climate Control System (ACCS) with Plasmacluster? air purifier, Grape Polyphenol filter and auto recirculation.

Other interior comfort and convenience items include RearView Monitor, eight cupholders and four bottle holders, front and 2nd row armrests with storage, Bluetooth? Hands-free Phone System, six-speaker AM/FM/CD audio system, USB Connection Port for iPod? interface and other compatible devices, and SiriusXM Satellite Radio (SiriusXM subscription required, sold separately).

A Connection with a Human Touch

The Infiniti QX60 Hybrid also offer technologies designed to make owners' lives a bit easier and more efficient, such as a 15-speaker Bose? Cabin Surround? sound system with Acoustic Waveguide bass technology and an innovative Infiniti Connection? telematics system that can provide navigation guidance to appointments and automatically synch the owner's schedule through Google Calendar?.

Infiniti Connection? and Infiniti Connection? Plus services are part of the HEV Premium Package and include 24-hour Automatic Crash Notification, Emergency Call, Enhanced Roadside Assistance, stolen vehicle reporting, Remote Door Lock/Unlock, Alarm Notification, Maintenance Alert, Scheduled Maintenance Notification and My Schedule (via Google Calendar?). Owners can route road trips with a Journey Planner and personalize news, sports and stock reports via Mobile Information Services. Both Infiniti Connection? and Infiniti Connection? Plus are included complimentary for the first year of ownership.

Like all current Infiniti new model purchases, the QX60 Hybrid features the Infiniti Personal Assistant?, Infiniti's personal concierge service with 24-hour access to a live team of professional assistants. The Infiniti Personal Assistant? benefit is offered free-of-charge for four years. It allows owners to make reservations, get directions, find points of interest, make dinner reservations, access gift services, answer trivia questions, and receive a wide variety of other services at the touch of a button from inside the vehicle or through the owner's mobile or home phone.

Inspired Technology, including Backup Collision Intervention

The Infiniti QX60 Hybrid's Driver Assist Package includes the advanced Backup Collision Intervention (BCI) and Blind Spot Intervention? (BSI) systems. With this technology, when the transmission is in reverse, the QX60 will help the driver detect crossing vehicles and objects behind the QX60, and, if necessary, the system can automatically engage the brakes to help avoid a collision. Another advanced system utilized as part of the all-around protection philosophy is the Around View? Monitor (AVM) with Moving Object Detection (MOD). Building on the capabilities of the AVM system, it shows the driver a virtual 360-degree image of the area around the QX60.

The MOD function helps enhance the driver's situational awareness by providing visual and audible warnings (front or back range object detection) if the system detects moving objects (such as anther vehicle) within the displayed image in situations such as when pulling out of a parking space. Using sophisticated image processing technology, the system detects moving objects within the "top view" (when the vehicle is in Park). When starting off or backing up, it detects moving objects crossing within the front or rear views.

Other available technology includes both Infiniti's Lane Departure Warning (LDW) and Lane Departure Prevention (LDP) systems, Blind Spot Warning (BSW) system and Blind Spot Intervention? (BSI) system. The QX60 Hybrid also offers available advanced Intelligent Cruise Control (Full-Speed Range), Distance Control Assist (DCA), Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) with Forward Collision Warning (FCW) and front Pre-Crash Seat Belts.

The Infiniti QX60 Hybrid's list of standard safety features includes an Advanced Air Bag System (AABS) with dual-stage supplemental front air bags with seat belt and occupant classification sensors; roof-mounted curtain side impact supplemental air bags with rollover sensor for outboard occupant head protection for all three rows; front seat-mounted side impact supplemental air bags; 3-point front seat belts with pretensioners, load limiters and seat belt reminder; 3-point seat belts for all rear seat occupants (including center position); LATCH System (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren), Zone Body construction with front and rear crumple zones and steel side-door guard beams.

The standard Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) includes an individual tire pressure display and Tire Inflation Indicator, which provides both visual and audible signals to help owners conveniently maintain correct tire pressures without the use of a gauge. Drivers can also monitor individual tire pressures from the interior display.

Also available is a Remote Engine Start System, which allows the owner the option of starting the vehicle remotely using the remote keyless entry system. The system is ideal for warming or cooling the interior, prior to driving, as desired.

Balanced Performance and Fuel Efficiency

The new QX60 Hybrid is designed to balance driving enjoyment with fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. Its 2.5-liter supercharged engine and 15 kW electric motor connected to an advanced CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) produces estimated fuel economy of 26 mpg Combined for both the front-wheel drive and Intelligent All-Wheel Drive models. Range, with the standard 19.5-gallon fuel tank, is rated at more than 500 miles**.

The gasoline engine is rated at 230 horsepower and 243 lb-ft of torque. The electric motor is rated at 20 horsepower, with net system horsepower estimated at 250 hp. These figures compare to 265 horsepower and 248 lb-ft or torque for the standard QX60's 3.5-liter V6 internal combustion engine. Fuel economy (2013 EPA ratings) with the 3.5-liter V6 is rated at 24 mpg Highway, 18 mpg City and 21 mpg Combined for the FWD model and 23 mpg Highway, 18 mpg City and 20 mpg Combined for the AWD model.

The QX60 Hybrid, like the standard model, includes an Infiniti Drive Mode Selector, which uses a rotary switch mounted in the center console to allow the driver to choose between four drive modes - Standard, Sport, Eco and Snow - depending on road and climate conditions. The system varies throttle response and shift schedules to optimize performance.

Responsive handling and flat ride comfort is provided by an independent strut front and multi-link rear suspension with front and rear stabilizer bars - which combine with the high stiffness/low vibration sensitivity body to help create a quiet, comfortable interior environment for all occupant.

Linear, easy-to-operate steering comes from the vehicle-speed-sensitive power steering system. The available Active Trace Control system (part of the optional Driver Assist Package) utilizes the QX60's standard Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system to help improve cornering feel, such as at freeway speeds, by automatically applying the brakes or smoothing engine torque characteristics while accelerating.

The QX60's braking system is a 4-wheel vented disc design with Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Electronic Brake force Distribution (EBD), Brake Assist and Regenerative Braking to automatically recharge the battery during braking by converting the vehicle's kinetic energy otherwise lost in braking.

Stylish 18-inch split 5-spoke aluminum-alloy wheels with 235/65R18 all-season tires are standard on every QX60 Hybrid, with 20-inch split 5-spoke aluminum-alloy wheels with 235/55R20 all-season tires available as part of the HEV Deluxe Touring Package.

The 2014 Infiniti QX60 Hybrid is offered in front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive configurations with five available equipment packages: Driver Assistance Package, Maple Interior Trim, HEV Premium Package and HEV Deluxe Touring Package.

"The new 2014 Infiniti QX60 Hybrid is our smart solution for premium crossover buyers who have the environment and driving range in mind, yet don't want to sacrifice roominess, utility or driving feel," said Poore. "It's pure QX60, plus a lot more."


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Fewer children mean longer life?

Mar. 27, 2013 ? New research into ageing processes, based on modern genetic techniques, confirms theoretical expectations about the correlation between reproduction and lifespan. Studies of birds reveal that those that have offspring later in life and have fewer broods live longer. And the decisive factor is telomeres, shows research from The University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Telomeres are the protective caps at the end of chromosomes. The length of telomeres influences how long an individual lives. Telomeres start off at a certain length, become shorter each time a cell divides, decline as the years pass by until the telomeres can no longer protect the chromosomes, and the cell dies. But the length of telomeres varies significantly among individuals of the same age. This is partly due to the length of the telomeres that has been inherited from the parents, and partly due to the amount of stress an individual is exposed to.

?This is important, not least for our own species, as we are all having to deal with increased stress,? says Angela Pauliny, Researcher from the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Gothenburg.

Researchers have studied barnacle geese, which are long-lived birds, the oldest in the study being 22 years old. The results show that geese, compared to short-lived bird species, have a better ability to preserve the length of their telomeres. The explanation is probably that species with a longer lifespan invest more in maintaining bodily functions than, for example, reproduction.

?There is a clear correlation between reproduction and ageing in the animal world. Take elephants, which have a long lifespan but few offspring, while mice, for example, live for a short time but produce a lot of offspring each time they try,? says Angela Pauliny.

The geese studied by researchers varied in age, from very young birds to extremely old ones. Each bird was measured twice, two years apart. One striking result was that the change in telomere length varied according to gender.

?The study revealed that telomeres were best-preserved in males. Among barnacle geese, the telomeres thus shorten more quickly in females, which in birds is the sex with two different gender chromosomes. Interestingly, it is the exactl opposite in humans,? says Angela Pauliny.

The journal BMC Evolutionary Biology has classified the research article ?Telomere dynamics in a long-lived bird, the barnacle goose? as ?Highly Accessed?.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Gothenburg, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Angela Pauliny, Kjell Larsson, Donald Blomqvist. Telomere dynamics in a long-lived bird, the barnacle goose. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2012; 12 (1): 257 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-12-257

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Donovan: Goal is to get back on US soccer team

Associated Press Sports

updated 12:34 p.m. ET March 28, 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) - Landon Donovan has returned to training with the Los Angeles Galaxy.

Now his goal is to work his way back into the national team picture.

Donovan, whose asked club coach Bruce Arena for an extended offseason after the Galaxy's MLS Cup triumph early last December, says it will take some time to regain his form.

After a training session with the Galaxy Thursday at Georgetown, Donovan says he realizes he has "a long way to go, both on the field and off the field, to work back into the national team."

Donovan, who joined the Galaxy ahead of their visit to the White House Tuesday, says he will not play in Los Angeles' match Saturday at Toronto, but could return as a substitute in upcoming league matches.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Steps which help to create Internet Marketing Plan | DreamGrow ...

ID 10043297 Steps which help to create Internet Marketing PlanIf you have a business then it is impossible to stay out of internet marketing. An amalgamation of internet marketing plan with the business plan and its vision can make wonders in promoting and making the business a success. But to make the business grow and prosper you need to have an effective and proper internet marketing plan. This plan should also be good enough and focused to drive internet traffic to your website. To achieve that, the following tips or steps might help to create a good and effective internet marketing plan.

1.?The Vision

Before starting the most important step set the goal or vision. This will act as the starting point and also set goals for your internet marketing strategy. The clearly written vision is not only for you but it should be clearly and concisely communicated to the whole team that will be working for it. With time there can be changes in the goal or vision and necessary changes can be undertaken. This also needs to be effectively communicated with the team for them to understand clearly also. Every activity that is proposed or comes to the mind should be weighted for and against before implementation.

The goal or vision also should include a budget for the marketing activities, as it should not fizzle out after some time.

2.?Target market

ID 10040272 Steps which help to create Internet Marketing PlanWithout a complete understanding of the target market any marketing plan is like building castles in thin air. Understanding the consumers, their behavior and the target audience or target market will help you device plans to drive traffic to your site, and thereby greater conversion rate. This knowledge will also help in developing proper goals and plans to achieve them.

3.?The Competitors

Understanding the market competition and knowing them provides additional knowledge that helps sustaining competition in the market. Reports on the competitor?s business, marketing plans and relevant information will give you an extra edge over them. This will also ensure you to avoid the loopholes or problems they have.

4.?The Solutions

ID 100143752 Steps which help to create Internet Marketing PlanThere may be numerous businesses in the same niche, and providing customers and consumers with the same service or products. There is a huge possibility that they all provide them at almost the same price. So to stand out in the rest, the best way is to provide solutions to their problems also. Make sure that you provide solutions to their problems and have a dedicated page to address their problems. Establish yourself as an expert in that field. Also make sure that instead of bragging about your product or company, the content speaks what the company will do for its clients and how the clients will benefit from their product or service. Most consumers tend to look for information regarding their benefit.

5.?The Funnel

Using a funnel or an inverted pyramid to filter clients is a proven and an excellent strategy. The wide top of the pyramid or cone opens with low cost or freebie for the clients and the narrower segments slowly makes way for the costlier offers or products. Depending on the response, the strategies can be further developed, modified and planned.

6.?The Brand

ID 100112639 Steps which help to create Internet Marketing PlanThe brand name for your trade or service is very important. This will also play an important role in using the domain for your website. Another important need is a perfect tagline that will be your identity in a line. Both these combined together makes your identity in the market and tells about your service and product to the customers.

7.?The Website

The website needs to be visually appealing to customers and consumers. It should have all the things to attract the customer?s attention, and it should also be graphic enough for the customer to understand what you have to offer. Moreover the page should be light in weight so that it does not take infinite time to load. Ensure that the pages also open fast on mobile or handheld devices.

Remember that content still holds the key, and make sure to describe the offers, services and products properly. Keep in mind that the content is more into informing clients about the offers and benefits and not tall tales about yourself.

Add pages for customer feedback and helpline pages for prompt customer interaction. Also ask for reviews and comments from customers or visitors. Ask them to subscribe for free services like upcoming offers, newsletters and so on.

8.?Business Managing Mechanism for online trades

ID 10065739 Steps which help to create Internet Marketing PlanEnsure that the site is safe and have required certificates on display to gain customer confidence. Also use best possible technology for safer internet buying and selling from your website. This is very important and also use best possible softwares for generating receipts and responses for buyers.

9.?Other marketing options & cost and Resources

Check out other marketing plans that can be implemented. Using pay-per-click or affiliate plans. Using social media and social bookmarking to plan an efficient internet marketing needs to be considered. Proper and good SEO needs to come into play as well. Look for every possible opportunity and option that might actually help you market on the internet effectively.

Once all these are done identifying the cost is very important. The in-house human capital and monetary strength needs to be ascertained. Calculate and budget for every step needs to be efficiently distributed. Outsourcing some work at cheaper options can be a good idea.

10.?To-Do list

Finalize the to-do list with all the nitty gritty details. It is best to use software to keep all the detailed data, and update it regularly. Divide the work to teams and take regular updates from each team to keep track of progress.

Final Word

ID 100108221 Steps which help to create Internet Marketing PlanThe most important thing for success in internet marketing strategy involves the continuous monitoring of the data available and redesigning or strengthening areas that are working fine or not working. Measuring marketing plans and adjusting accordingly is also one of the better ways. Stay clear of any black hat SEO techniques of scam that might guarantee you instant results. Make your team co-operative and let them have a clean understanding of the goals and plans. Also they should be clear about their responsibilities.

But the best step is to put you in the consumer?s shoes and imagining what benefits and deals would attract them and design steps and plans accordingly.



About The Author: Kelly is a writer/blogger. She loves writing, travelling and reading books. She contributes in KEL Attorneys. Check here for more on KEL Attorneys


Posted on: March 28, 2013


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Good Reads: US-China relations, 'Lean In,' ballet's whodunit, Ireland's Downton

This week's round-up of Good Reads includes a look at the complex Chinese-US relationship, a response to Sheryl Sandberg's 'Lean In,' an acid attack linked to the Bolshoi Ballet, and a memoir about an ancestral home in Ireland.

By Gregory M. Lamb,?Staff writer / March 21, 2013

Bolshoi dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko is accused of plotting an acid attack.

Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP/File


The United States has two clear choices in dealing with China: Engage or isolate the world?s most populous nation. ?You cannot have it both ways,? argues Lee Kuan Yew, prime minister of Singapore for more than three decades, who led his tiny Asian nation to Western-style prosperity despite being in the shadow of its giant communist neighbor. ?You cannot say you will engage China on some issues and isolate her over others. You cannot mix your signals.?

Skip to next paragraph Gregory M. Lamb

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Gregory M. Lamb is a senior editor and writer.

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Competition between the US and China is inevitable, but conflict is not, Mr. Lee argues in an excerpt from his new book in The Atlantic.

?This is not the Cold War. The Soviet Union was contesting with the United States for global supremacy. China is acting purely in its own national interests. It is not interested in changing the world.?

The complex Chinese-US relationship is underpinned by an essential truth: Each side needs the other.

?Chinese leaders know that U.S. military superiority is overwhelming and will remain so for the next few decades,? he writes. ?[T]he Chinese do not want to clash with anyone ? at least not for the next 15 to 20 years.?

The best outcome, he writes, would be for China and the US to arrive at ?a new understanding that when they cannot cooperate, they will coexist and allow all countries in the Pacific to grow and thrive.?

Get back to feminism?s roots

Women have risen to prominence in business and academia, but don?t look for private enterprise to finish the job of ensuring equal rights between the sexes.
In a new book called ?Lean In,? Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg says women are responsible for their own lack of progress in the workplace, notes Judith Shulevitz, writing in the New Republic. But the recent directive from Yahoo chief executive officer Marissa Mayer that bans telecommuting shows that women executives hold business success above feminist goals. ?Yahoo employees now understand that, when unregulated market forces go head-to-head with policies that facilitate gender equality, the policies stand down,? Ms. Shulevitz writes. ?It doesn?t matter who runs the company.... Competent female executives run better companies than incompetent male executives, but they?re no more likely to make universal day care the law of the land.?

Where lies progress in gender equality, which seemed to halt three decades ago with the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment? It?s time to get back to changing laws, she says. ?What we are not talking about in nearly enough detail, or agitating for with enough passion, are the government policies, such as mandatory paid maternity leave, that would truly equalize opportunity. We are still thinking individually, not collectively.?

The Bolshoi?s dark side

The bizarre acid-tossing attack on Sergei Yurevich Filin, the artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet, would seem to have come only from the fetid mind of a writer for a fictitious ?CSI: Moscow.? Mr. Filin was severely injured when an assailant confronted him at the door of his Moscow apartment building late one evening and splashed sulfuric acid in his face.

Who did it? As David Remnick unravels the tale in The New Yorker, the suspect list grows and grows into a confusion worthy of Agatha Christie. Did an angry ballerina or danseur or, more likely, one of their wealthy oligarch patrons, order it? Or maybe a bitter rival eager to replace him?

Mr. Remnick takes his time to reveal the not altogether conclusive answer, first weaving his way through the history of the celebrated ballet company from its charter in 1776 under Catherine the Great. (Stalin loved the Bolshoi, but President Vladimir Putin is indifferent.)

Perhaps no result would satisfy a jaundiced Russian public. ?Russians, in the contemporary version of their fatalism, see their country as a landscape of endless bespredel, lawlessness, a world devoid of order or justice or restraint...,? he says. ?After witnessing so many phony trials ? most recently of [the feminist rock band] Pussy Riot ? the Russian public has developed a general distrust of the country?s legal system.?

Saving the Irish manor

?Downton Abbey? has nothing on the autobiographical tale of Selina Guinness and her sometime desperate efforts to hang on to her ancestral home in Ireland.

?Houses for the middle classes are just places to live in, but for the gentry they are evolving organisms, repositories of cherished memories, full of treasured knick-knacks and wrinkled old retainers, as much living subjects as physical sites,? writes Terry Eagleton in the Dublin Review of Books. ?Individuals come and go, but the grange or manor house lives on, more like a transnational corporation than a bungalow.?

He continues: ?Like a slightly dotty but much-loved relative, the house has its own quirky ways, its distinctive aura and personality. One almost expects to encounter it settled on one of its own sofas, granny glasses perched on its nose, knitting and crooning.... Such houses are more sacred texts than bricks and mortar.?

The home Ms. Guinness is trying to keep in the family is known as ?The Crocodile? for the stuffed animal that greets visitors at the front door. Like Lady Mary Crawley in ?Downton Abbey,? she confronts the problem of how to save her beloved estate without ruining its essence and character. All she can do is muddle on and hope for the best.


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Mar 26 (Reuters) - Leading money winners on the 2013 PGATour on Monday (U.S. unless stated): 1. Tiger Woods $3,787,600 2. Brandt Snedeker $2,859,920 3. Matt Kuchar $2,154,500 4. Steve Stricker $1,820,000 5. Phil Mickelson $1,650,260 6. Hunter Mahan $1,553,965 7. John Merrick $1,343,514 8. Dustin Johnson $1,330,507 9. Russell Henley $1,313,280 10. Kevin Streelman $1,310,343 11. Keegan Bradley $1,274,593 12. Charles Howell III $1,256,373 13. Michael Thompson $1,254,669 14. Brian Gay $1,171,721 15. Justin Rose $1,155,550 16. Jason Day $1,115,565 17. Chris Kirk $1,097,053 18. ...


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Colo. theater shooting suspect offers guilty plea

FILE - This March 12, 2013 file photo shows James Holmes, Aurora theater shooting suspect, in the courtroom during his arraignment in Centennial, Colo. Lawyers for Holmes are objecting to a Fox News reporter's request to delay her court appearance to testify about her confidential sources, Tuesday, March 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Denver Post, RJ Sangosti, Pool)

FILE - This March 12, 2013 file photo shows James Holmes, Aurora theater shooting suspect, in the courtroom during his arraignment in Centennial, Colo. Lawyers for Holmes are objecting to a Fox News reporter's request to delay her court appearance to testify about her confidential sources, Tuesday, March 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Denver Post, RJ Sangosti, Pool)

(AP) ? Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes has offered to plead guilty and serve the rest of his life in prison to avoid the death penalty ? a deal that would bring a swift end to the sometimes wrenching courtroom battle and circumvent a prolonged debate over his sanity.

Prosecutors haven't said whether they would accept the offer, and victims and survivors of last summer's massacre were divided on what should be done.

Melisa Cowden, whose ex-husband was killed in the theater, said Wednesday she was resolutely opposed to a plea deal.

"He didn't give 12 people the chance to plea bargain and say, 'Let's see if you're going to shoot me or not,'" said Cowden, whose two teenage daughters were with their father when he was killed.

"No. No plea bargain," she said.

The attack during a crowded midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" left a dozen people dead and 70 injured.

Prosecutors have said Holmes planned the assault for months, casing the theater complex in the Denver suburb of Aurora, amassing a small arsenal and rigging potentially deadly booby-traps in his apartment.

Then on July 20, he donned a police-style helmet and body armor, tossed a gas canister into the theater crowd and opened fire, prosecutors said.

The plea offer, made by Holmes' lawyers on his behalf sometime before March 12, was disclosed a defense court filing on Wednesday. It was made public just days before the prosecution was set to announce whether they would seek the death penalty.

The filing didn't include the specifics of the offer. It said only that Holmes would agree to life in prison without parole ? instead of the death penalty ? and didn't mention any other concessions.

Pierce O'Farrill, who was shot three times, said he would welcome an agreement that would imprison Holmes for life. The years of court struggles ahead would likely be emotionally stressful for victims, he said.

"I don't see his death bringing me peace," O'Farrill said. "To me, my prayer for him was that he would spend the rest of his life in prison and hopefully, in all those years he has left, he could find God and ask for forgiveness himself."

Tom Sullivan, whose son Alex was killed, said he has wanted prosecutors to pursue the death penalty. But he said he wouldn't object to a plea agreement if it avoided a lengthy court battle ? and if Holmes got no privileges in prison.

"That was kind of a sore point with us," he said, referring to privileges such as outside exercise or listening to music. "We didn't think this kind of person should have any kind of privileges except the bare essentials."

Holmes, a former graduate student at the University of Colorado, Denver, had seen a psychiatrist at the school before the shootings.

His lawyers have said he was taken to a hospital psychiatric ward in November because he was considered a threat to himself. Holmes was held there for several days and spent much of the time in restraints.

In their court filing, Holmes' lawyers again said they were exploring a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity and would mount a vigorous defense if prosecutors rejected the plea offer and the case goes to trial.

Holmes was widely expected to enter an insanity plea at his arraignment on March 12, but his attorneys told District Judge William Sylvester they had too many questions about the constitutionality of Colorado's death penalty and insanity statutes to advise Holmes on how to plead.

Sylvester then entered a plea of not guilty on Holmes' behalf but said he could change it later to insanity if he chose.

The judge scheduled the trial to start Aug. 5, setting aside four weeks.

Doug Wilson, who heads the state public defenders' office, told The Associated Press Wednesday that prosecutors haven't responded to the offer. He didn't know whether prosecutors had relayed the offer with any victims as required by state law.

Prosecutors declined to comment on Wednesday.

Dan Recht, a past president of the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, said prosecutors likely started talking to victims long ago.

"The defense, by making this public pleading, is reaching out to the victims' families," Recht said.

Also Wednesday, Sylvester denied a request from New York-based Fox News reporter Jana Winter to delay a Monday hearing where she has been ordered to testify about her sources for a story about Holmes.

Winter cited unnamed law enforcement officials saying Holmes sent drawings that foreshadowed the attack to a psychiatrist. Holmes' lawyers contend that whoever spoke to Winter violated a gag order.


Follow Dan Elliott at and P. Solomon Banda at .

Associated Press


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

US Labor Department announces new online resources to help ...

WASHINGTON?- The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the launch of the Business Center, a suite of online resources for employers looking to recruit, train and retain a skilled work force through the department?s CareerOneStop Web site.


The site includes tips about how to recruit qualified candidates through local American Job Centers and provides employment projections. Additionally, the site offers access to local training and educational institutions, a catalog of occupational certifications and a tool to help employers translate the military training and skills of returning service members into specific civilian occupations. The CareerOneStop Business Center is available online at?


?These resources will help educate employers about our nation?s work force development system and put the resources they need to find and hire qualified workers right at their fingertips,? said Jane Oates, assistant secretary of labor for employment and training.


The new Business Center page builds on existing resources available through CareerOneStop, which also has information to help job seekers find education and training providers, conduct a job search and access local labor market information.


Employment and Training Administration staff will have a webinar on March 27 at 2 p.m. EDT to highlight the Business Center?s tools. A webinar is a seminar conducted over the Internet. For more information and to participate in the webinar, visit?


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Officials: Bomb kills 2 north of Baghdad

BAGHDAD (AP) ? Iraqi officials say a bomb attached to a car has killed two local officials and wounded another north of Baghdad.

A police officer says the two men who were killed, the head of a local council and a council member, were traveling in the same car in the town of Tuz Khormato when the bomb exploded Tuesday morning. A third official, a mayor, was wounded.

A medical official confirmed the casualty figures. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release information.

Tuz Khormato is located about 210 kilometers (130 miles) north Baghdad.

Insurgents are still able to hunt down local officials and launch lethal attacks nationwide despite the large decrease in violence in recent years.


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Storming the gates: UNC research probes how pancreatic cancers metastasize

Storming the gates: UNC research probes how pancreatic cancers metastasize [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Mar-2013
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Contact: William Davis
University of North Carolina Health Care

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered that a protein found in the cells surrounding pancreatic cancers play a role in the spread of the disease to other parts of the body.

In a finding to be published in the March 25 issue of Oncogene, researchers in the lab of Carol Otey, PhD, found that the protein palladin enhances the ability of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) to assemble organelles known as invadopodia to break down the barriers between cells and create pathways for tumors to spread throughout the body. Otey is a professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology and a member of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

"There's a growing body of literature that shows that these cells have a role in cancer formation and metastasis," said Otey.

Using both enzymatic action and physical force, the invadopodia create channels for tumor cells to migrate from their point of origin to other organs. Otey said that researchers, using cultured cancer cells suspended between layers of collagen, have been able to observe CAFs tunneling through the collagen layer and record cancer cells migrating through those channels.

In previous studies, researchers in the Otey lab and other labs have shown that CAFs surrounding pancreatic tumors express high levels of palladin. In healthy tissue, fibroblasts are the most common type of connective tissue found in mammals. In cancerous cells, CAFs are the most numerous cells found in the tumor microenvironment.

Researchers have begun focusing significant attention to the tumor microenvironment, as evidence grows that the cells and proteins found outside of cancer cells play a crucial role in tumor formation, growth and metastasis. Understanding the interplay between the microenvironment and the tumors could lead to new targets for treatment and screening, especially in cancers that are resistant to therapies that directly target the cancerous cells.

"Cells seem to be partnering together to form the tumor and promote its growth," said Otey.

Using pharmacological inhibitors and gene-silencing approaches, Otey and the research team discovered that disrupting palladin in CAFs reduced the ability of the cells to form invadopodia. Increasing the level of palladin in CAFs, by contrast, increased the rate of growth and metastasis of tumors in mouse models. Their results indicate that palladin may be part of a molecular pathway that includes two additional molecules, protein kinase C and Cdc42.

"These results demonstrate that the behavior of CAFs plays a very important role in modulating the behavior of tumor cells, and also point to a specific molecular pathway that could be a useful drug target for inhibiting tumor progression," said Otey. Since Otey discovered palladin more than a decade ago, researchers in her lab have examined the protein's role in both healthy and cancerous cells. Citing her own work, research from the Brentnall lab at University of Washington, and corroborating work such as a study from the Cukierman lab at Temple University's Fox Chase Cancer Center that found high levels of the palladin protein correlated strongly with low survival rates in renal carcinoma patients, Otey said that the evidence points toward a strong correlation between palladin expression in CAFs and the aggressiveness of tumor progression.

In future research, Otey plans to examine the levels of palladin in other types of cancer. As the Fox Chase study suggests, the mechanisms that she and her collaborators have discovered may play a role in cancers other than pancreatic.

"Knowing more about this may give us better tools to slow down metastasis," said Otey.


Study co-authors from UNC include first author Silvia M. Goicoechea, Rafael Garca-Mata, Judy Staub, Alejandra Valdivia, Lisa Sharek, Jen Jen Yeh and Hong Jin Kim. Other study co-authors are Chris McCulloch from University of Toronto, Canada; Rosa Hwang from University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; and Raul Urrutia from Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minn.

This study was supported by grants from the NIH (GM081505), the NSF, the Elsa U. Pardee Foundation and the UNC University Cancer Research Fund.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Storming the gates: UNC research probes how pancreatic cancers metastasize [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Mar-2013
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Contact: William Davis
University of North Carolina Health Care

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered that a protein found in the cells surrounding pancreatic cancers play a role in the spread of the disease to other parts of the body.

In a finding to be published in the March 25 issue of Oncogene, researchers in the lab of Carol Otey, PhD, found that the protein palladin enhances the ability of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) to assemble organelles known as invadopodia to break down the barriers between cells and create pathways for tumors to spread throughout the body. Otey is a professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology and a member of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

"There's a growing body of literature that shows that these cells have a role in cancer formation and metastasis," said Otey.

Using both enzymatic action and physical force, the invadopodia create channels for tumor cells to migrate from their point of origin to other organs. Otey said that researchers, using cultured cancer cells suspended between layers of collagen, have been able to observe CAFs tunneling through the collagen layer and record cancer cells migrating through those channels.

In previous studies, researchers in the Otey lab and other labs have shown that CAFs surrounding pancreatic tumors express high levels of palladin. In healthy tissue, fibroblasts are the most common type of connective tissue found in mammals. In cancerous cells, CAFs are the most numerous cells found in the tumor microenvironment.

Researchers have begun focusing significant attention to the tumor microenvironment, as evidence grows that the cells and proteins found outside of cancer cells play a crucial role in tumor formation, growth and metastasis. Understanding the interplay between the microenvironment and the tumors could lead to new targets for treatment and screening, especially in cancers that are resistant to therapies that directly target the cancerous cells.

"Cells seem to be partnering together to form the tumor and promote its growth," said Otey.

Using pharmacological inhibitors and gene-silencing approaches, Otey and the research team discovered that disrupting palladin in CAFs reduced the ability of the cells to form invadopodia. Increasing the level of palladin in CAFs, by contrast, increased the rate of growth and metastasis of tumors in mouse models. Their results indicate that palladin may be part of a molecular pathway that includes two additional molecules, protein kinase C and Cdc42.

"These results demonstrate that the behavior of CAFs plays a very important role in modulating the behavior of tumor cells, and also point to a specific molecular pathway that could be a useful drug target for inhibiting tumor progression," said Otey. Since Otey discovered palladin more than a decade ago, researchers in her lab have examined the protein's role in both healthy and cancerous cells. Citing her own work, research from the Brentnall lab at University of Washington, and corroborating work such as a study from the Cukierman lab at Temple University's Fox Chase Cancer Center that found high levels of the palladin protein correlated strongly with low survival rates in renal carcinoma patients, Otey said that the evidence points toward a strong correlation between palladin expression in CAFs and the aggressiveness of tumor progression.

In future research, Otey plans to examine the levels of palladin in other types of cancer. As the Fox Chase study suggests, the mechanisms that she and her collaborators have discovered may play a role in cancers other than pancreatic.

"Knowing more about this may give us better tools to slow down metastasis," said Otey.


Study co-authors from UNC include first author Silvia M. Goicoechea, Rafael Garca-Mata, Judy Staub, Alejandra Valdivia, Lisa Sharek, Jen Jen Yeh and Hong Jin Kim. Other study co-authors are Chris McCulloch from University of Toronto, Canada; Rosa Hwang from University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; and Raul Urrutia from Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minn.

This study was supported by grants from the NIH (GM081505), the NSF, the Elsa U. Pardee Foundation and the UNC University Cancer Research Fund.

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