Sunday, March 10, 2013

Invest in Online Businesses and Blogs with RankTrader - Blogging ...

As online marketers and bloggers we are all familiar with the concept of investing in ourselves and our businesses. We create blogs and run ad campaigns, then take a portion of the profits for ourselves and invest the rest of it back into the business and campaigns to continue to generate more money.

The concept is nothing new, but what is attempting to create for their business is.

RankTrader is taking the old concept of traditional stock market investing and combining it with the world of online marketing and business. The difference is that their web site is a marketplace for buying and selling virtual shares in your every day web sites and blogs. In short? RankTrader is the first website virtual stock market.

In the screenshot below you will see the listings of web sites currently listed in their marketplace along with a ?stock order form? similar to what you would see from any of the real online stock trading companies like eTrade or Ameritrade. You can place market orders, set the amount of shares you would like to buy, unit price and much more.


During a recent press release the company had the following to say:

The team at RankTrader recognizes that there are a lot of people out there who want to invest in this online revolution, so they created a marketplace that allows individuals to register their web properties and sell virtual shares of their websites.

RankTrader takes traditional concepts from the stock market, making it a system that is familiar to investors to learn. Their marketplace allows the individual investor to invest in a web property just like they might invest in a company in a traditional stock market. This concept allows individuals to invest and make money from the success of a website without having to own or operate their own web property.

So can this type of formula work?

A business that is based on the buying and selling of virtual shares in companies that people have no relationship? One would hope so since that?s the same working model of the stock market.

Ratings-for-Each-SiteThe site also provides a lot of details stats and figures for web sites in the marketplace. You can seen a screenshot of the main contributors and stats for each site listed with shares available. PageRank, Alexa and Backlinks being some of the most important.

Then end goal for RankTrader is to become a large market place for users to not only invest in web sites, but also provide tools to evaluate, compare and follow websites trends over time.

The site is currently in beta testing phase and will be released to the public for full access soon.

If you?d like to start learning about the web site or even listing your own site or blog on their network, you can do so by clicking here to visit their site or request a beta signup through the form below.


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