Sunday, April 7, 2013

Social Media Around the World | Attention Era Media

I was just in New Zealand at a conference and visited Hobbiton, the hobbit village set used for Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. ?Pictures and a video coming next week. You can subscribe to our blog here.

While in New Zealand, I also had the opportunity to network with social media and technology professionals. ?I thought I would share what I found.

When looking at a map or globe, you?ll see that New Zealand is somewhat isolated and is a long way away from its nearest major neighbor, Australia. ?Consequently, the cost of internet and mobile is very expensive. ?At home, 30 GB of data will run you $53 USD/month, while unlimited internet will cost $70/month. ? Combine that with the even higher costs of mobile and you can see why social media, while important, is still growing in New Zealand.

Map of New Zealand and Australia

New Zealanders are primarily a texting country, opting for third party applications like?Whatsapp?or?Viber?to communicate instead regular texting due to the prohibitively high costs. ?So it was no surprise that Twitter is also the social network of choice for the people I met.

Companies of all sorts, from the national banks to even their police departments are very into Twitter. ?They use the microblogging platform to communicate and are very engaging with their audience ? more so than many corporations here in the United States.

Their social media growth however, is also similar to the United States in many ways. ?Universities in New Zealand as well as many in the United States have yet to begin teaching social media centric courses to their students, and as a result, citizens in both countries don?t really understand the underlying business applications of being able to listen as a brand or engage a prospect using social media.

Besides twitter, it seems that many businesses in New Zealand have yet to adopt social media. A quick check of Foursquare (my favorite location-based social app) near SKYCITY, Auckland?s center for entertainment and nightlife, showed just one business with a Foursquare special. ?That special was put on by a local marketing firm.

In the Attention Era, companies, cultures, and brands from all countries need to be heard and seen. ?Many of us have different stories, but so many more of us have similar experiences and desires.

How are you making your message heard?

See you next week,

@AlbertQian and the rest of the Attention Era Media crew

PS. If you love video, social media, marketing, or business leadership, please?subscribe to our blog?for free.

Last updated by AlbertQian.


S B H c mitt romney mark zuckerberg mark zuckerberg

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