Sunday, May 20, 2012

Solar Eclipses and Personal Relationships | How To Believe In Love ...

The May 2012 super moon!

This has been such a special month astronomically speaking!? First we had the super moon a few weeks ago, and today an annular solar eclipse is set to impress skywatchers around the world!

Don?t miss this one tomorrow, if you are in the western U.S. today.? It?s the first one since 1994!

Eclipses can bring vast changes, and the news they bring always comes from the outside in to you, so you usually have no control over what you hear or what happens.

Eclipses look for weak links in any situation or relationship to bring it to light.? They also shake us up, so that we can pull out of our rut and get moving again! ? They banish our hesitation, complacency, fear, and indecision, and fire up inspiration, desire, and determination!

All changes, even good ones, can bring on stress.? But stress can be good for us, which is why the universe provides it from time to time.?? Stress keeps us alert and moves us from one stage to the next, and always brings insight and maturity.?? Keep in mind that all eclipses are on a mission to illuminate truth, sometimes in a startling way.?? They move things forward very, very rapidly.

Here?s a quote from the Zodiac Arts site about eclipses:?

?All eclipses indicate change; solar eclipses signify beginnings and usually manifest as events in the outer world.

At solar eclipses we: begin something new, make promises to ourselves, commit, announce, present ourselves, show up, make plans, select events, make decisions, rise to the challenge, make an effort, change, mature, take on greater challenges, travel at a faster pace, feel restless, feel pressured by deadlines and a buildup of emotions, experience a crisis and feel excited.?

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