Friday, February 22, 2013

Today on New Scientist: 20 February 2013

First exoplanet smaller than Mercury discovered

A planet just larger than the moon has become the smallest known world - but two others could depose it if their sizes are confirmed

Conductor of speech uncovered in the brain

The brain has such fine control over the muscles used to speak that every sound produces different neural activity, a map of which may explain speech quirks

E-cigarettes may soon be sold as life-saving medicine

Some countries ban them, but British regulators are considering electronic cigarettes on prescription - we take a puff on the evidence

New retinal implant gives sight to nine blind people

Electrodes under the retinas of people blinded by disease - but who still have vision-processing neurons - allow them to see again

Exploring points of view from Tycho Brahe's castle

Recalling the passion of Renaissance astronomers for observing the heavens leads one artist to draw links with modern surveillance

How was Earth's life kindled under a cold sun?

An overheated greenhouse, a faster spin, a giant sun, a game of planetary billiards: what explains how Earth got so warm so fast, asks Stuart Clark

Harness vast power of quantum computers... for sums

Quantum computers sound exotic but their killer function could be solving mundane equations very, very fast

Fertiliser makes another reason to eat less meat

It's not a good time to be a meat lover. As the horsemeat scandal spreads across Europe, a report blames livestock for farms' excessive fertiliser use

Immune boost could protect against new killer virus

The new coronavirus that emerged in the Middle East last year could be pegged back by artificially boosting the body's immune response

New satellite will be first asteroid sentinel in space

As a Canadian near-Earth object spotter prepares for lift-off, funds are flooding in to help commercial firms launch their own asteroid hunters

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